
  Science News  (英語で読み解く科学情報

Current stories in science news with TOEIC style comprehension exercises

With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰IBC Publishing (IBCパブリッシング), 2013   ISBN978-4-7946-0189-6

  8 Day TOEIC Bootcamp  (TOEIC TEST 8日間ブートキャンプ

An intensive 8-day program to boost your TOEIC score

With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰) Kodansha International (講談社インターナショナル), 2011   ISBN978-4-7700-4134-0

  Golden Phrases  (英語のゴールデンフレーズ)

A glossary of interesting and useful English phrases are explained

With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰) IBC Publishing (IBCパブリッシング), 2010   ISBN978-4-7946-0038-7

Amazing Speeches by President Obama  (感動する! オバマ大統領の演説Several key speeches and addresses from U.S. President Barack Obama are translated and explained

With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰) PHP Labratories (PHP研究所), 2009   ISBN-10: 4569708714

Deruzo’s Special Strategies for the New TOEIC Test  (TOEICテストでる蔵の英単語勉強法 PARTStrategies for maximizing your score on the TOEIC Test are explained

With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰) GogakuShunjusha (語学春秋社), 2007   ISBN-10: 4875686773

Key Principles Underpinning the New TOEIC Test  (TOEICテストここを押さえる!―目標スコア実現のために)  Principles that will increase your understanding of the TOEIC test are explained

With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰) Jitsumu Kyoiku Shuppan(実務教育出版), 2007     ISBN-10: 4788914344

Speed Strategies for High Scores on the New TOEIC Test  (TOEICテスト「勝ち組」のスピード攻略A TOEIC English proficiency test preparation book demonstrating quick, successful strategies for scoring high on the new TOEIC Test.

With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰) Diamond (ダイヤモンド社), 2006   ISBN-10: 4478980853

400 Illustrated Words from the TOEFL Test (イラストで必須単語をモノにする!TOEFL TESTに出る「イメ単」400 )400 words essential for success on the TOEFL test are defined, demonstrated and illustrated for maximum learning retention.

With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰) PHP Labratories (PHP研究所),  2004     ISBN-10: 4569637019

Understanding TOEIC Test Grammar Questions (TOEIC テスト 文法問題がわかる!)A TOEIC English proficiency test preparation book focusing on the grammar sections (parts 5 and 6) of the TOEIC test. Examples from recent versions of the test illustrate the types of problems a learner is most likely to confront.

With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰) Jitsumu Kyoiku Shuppan (実務教育出版), 2004     ISBN: 4788914271

Solving TOEIC Test Reading Questions (TOEIC テスト 読解問題が解ける!)A TOEIC English proficiency test preparation book focusing on the reading section (part 7) of the TOEIC test. Reading passages on business topics demonstrate phrases and expressions frequently used on recent versions of the test.

With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰) Jitsumu Kyoiku Shuppan (実務教育出版), 2004     ISBN: 478891428X

A Magic Book to Shoot your TOEIC Test Score Through the Ceiling(TOEIC テストスコアがグングン上がる魔法の本)A TOEIC English proficiency test preparation book for learners trying to reach the 600 point level.  Lessons focus on common usage patterns, explained in a practical manner.

With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰) Nihon Jitsugyo Shuppansha (㈱日本実業出版社), 2003     ISBN: 4534035446

Cutting Edge in ScienceA university level textbook for third and fourth year technical and science majors preparing to take the TOEIC English proficiency test. Topics draw on current issues in science and technology to present realistic TOEIC test practice and instruction.With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰) Kinseido Publishing, 2002     ISBN: 476473768X
A Model for Surmounting Scoring Barriers on the TOEIC test. (TOEIC テストスコアの壁を越える学習モデル)A TOEIC English proficiency test preparation book that uses the experiences of nine successful learners to demonstrate the study approaches they used to achieve high level scores on the TOEIC test.With Shuho Matsuno (松野守峰)     Kirihara Shoten (㈱桐原書店), 2000     ISBN: 4342413507